Debt can accumulate fast, particularly if you need to borrow money to pay your existing debt each month. This is known as the cycle of re-borrowing and occurs when you are unable to afford your current debt repayments, whether it is your home loan, car loan, credit card or personal loan.
A debt trap is a situation in which a borrower is stuck in a cycle of re-borrowing to pay the interest or other debt. This makes it difficult for you, the borrower, to repay the money you owe because the interest accumulates and missing a few payments can land you in a debt spiral.
Short-term high-interest rate loans such as Payday loans are usually easier to obtain than long term secured loans such as car loans and home loans. And it is short-term high-interest rate loans that borrowers frequently turn to, to repay existing loans.
Such loans may appear to be a quick fix to deal with a short-term cash flow problem but can be a huge financial burden.
These loans take different forms, but most have one or more of the characteristics below:
You will only start reducing your debt if your monthly debt repayment is large enough to cover the interest and reduce the capital amount. If you are only repaying the interest your loan capital will not reduce and the interest repayment will continue indefinitely unless you are able to settle the loan with a lump sum such as your annual bonus.
Being aware of potential debt traps can help you avoid them.
A key indication that you are in debt is when your monthly income cannot cover your monthly living costs and debt repayments. A large percentage of South Africans are overly indebted.
If you need help to get your finances back on track, talk to one of our NRC-registered debt specialists about a tailored debt solution to help you regain control of your money.
Fill in the form on the right and one of our specialists will be in touch to provide you with a FREE debt assessment.
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Debt-free in a few easy steps.
Debt-free in a few easy steps.